
Knowledge is power!

If you need more information, have specific questions, or just want to educate yourself, these resources may be helpful. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, call us during business hours or request a callback. We are more than happy to help.

Credit Bureaus

If you want access to your credit bureau (credit report), you can request it from one of the bureaus below. You will have to provide personal information up front to identify yourself, then they will provide you with your basic credit file.


Ministries and Organizations

Review this list of rules and laws to make sure that you’re being treated fairly throughout your debt collection experience. It’s important to know both your rights and the rights of debt collectors, too.

Privacy Laws

It’s heavy in legal-speak, but reading the information on this site will help you understand some frequently asked questions – like “Why can’t you provide me with information via email?” etc.

Learn more